By Pa Yang, SLS Paralegal
North Carolina registered voters can vote by absentee ballot through the steps below.
1. If you are a registered voter in North Carolina, you can request an absentee ballot by the November 1, 2022, deadline by completing an official N.C. Absentee Ballot Request Form.
There are two ways that you can request your absentee ballot:
-Online at the N.C. Absentee Ballot Portal and select the option that applies to you; or
-With the paper request form found here. The paper form must be returned to your county Board of Elections office by either dropping it off in person or mailing it in. Either way, note that the the county Board of Elections office must receive the request by 5pm on November 1, 2022, for you to receive a ballot.
2. Fill out and complete your absentee ballot when it arrives in the mail. (You MUST mark your ballot in the presence of a notary public or two witnesses.)
3. Place the completed ballot in the envelope and seal and sign the back of the envelope.
4. If you choose to have two witnesses, have your two witnesses sign the back of the enveloped with their name and their full address.
5. If you want a notary instead of two witnesses, you can schedule an appointment with Student Legal Services to have your voter absentee ballot notarized at no additional charge. The SLS office is located in the Popp Martin Student Union Suite 126. Remember that you will need to wait to fill out your ballot until your notary appointment with SLS.
6. You can either mail back or drop off your completed voter absentee ballot. If you are mailing your ballot, the ballot must be postmarked by Election day, November 8, 2022 and received no later than 5 p.m. November 14, 2022. If you are dropping off your absentee ballot, it must be returned to your county board of elections office before 5 p.m., November 8, 2022.

All the information on this page should be used for general information purposes only. It is not intended as legal advice. Please contact your local election officials for information on voting in your jurisdiction.
*Disclaimer: Non-attorney staff at SLS are not licensed to practice law in the state of North Carolina. They may not give legal advice or accept fees for legal advice.